Sunday, December 9, 2007

Main Furlers

Many new boats are outfitted with in-mast furlers... These boats are getting to the age where maintenance is mandatory... There are some that have not had any maintenance at all... I am working with two projects where we are getting rid of the in-mast furlers... On one project, we are installing a Schaefer boom furler... The other project, we are going with a classic main system...

On the first project, we have to remove the mast to do the work needed... We have to remove the main furler parts from inside the mast... We are having plates built to cover the gap in the aft portion of the mast... A Schaefer track will be mounted on these cover plates with the Schaefer boom furler cars mounted on the track... This will be a long involved project, but the end result will allow the owner to be able to short hand sail the boat very easily...

The second project will have the mast removed to remove the furler gear... The system is at an age that we have to remove the mast to get the furler parts out of the mast... We will install a Strong Track along the second track, built in the mast... When the mast is restepped, we will have a mainsail storage bag built with lazy jacks to captivate and store the sail... This project will be able to allow the owners to use their mainsail efficiently and effortlessly...

I recommend that all furlers be maintained annually... Sail wear needs to be checked as well line chafe... The bearings need to be lubricated and all turning blocksneed to be checked...